Mar 26, 2021
Menwatch's AT&T's Zach Snyder's Justice League. We learn
that nothing ever ends, again, the hard way.
Note: You didn't miss one - we just never finished talking
about Picard. We think you know what we would
have said.
Feb 13, 2020
We're back to discuss Picard (S1E1-E3), influenced at least by partialy absorption of the Mandalorian. Sagas vs. genres, split protagonists vs. ensembles, and life under the Sonny Bono Act (Pub. L. 105-298).
Jan 15, 2020
Reader mailbag and season finale. Anxious influence; the wisdom but lesser narrative cohesion of crowds; writing to impress a girl. Stay in touch @menwatchpod as we back up to the elephant for a while.
Dec 25, 2019
Part one of our two-part season, or series, finale. Lady Luthors, more Roland Barthes, complaints and rationalizations about loose ends.
Please send thoughts and questions by 1/2 to be included in our reader mailbag wrap-up: @menwatchpod or
Dec 13, 2019
The apotheosis of Lindelof; biblical exegesis; crystalline space-time and serial monogamy. [REPOST - if you downloaded before and got a repeat of episode 0, this is the real one]